“In halls of learning where we least expect to find it, in governments, in religious temples, in businesses, in marriages and families, dogmatism is the arrogant voice of certainty that closes the mind, damages relationships, and threatens peaceful coexistence on this planet.
“Judy Johnson presents a compelling argument for viewing dogmatism as a serious problem. In this nonfiction book, she provides lively, illustrative case studies for the characteristics of this personality trait and draws from traditional and contemporary personality theories, biopsychology, social learning theory, Buddhism, and evolutionary psychology to outline the major influences that shape its trajectory.
“By focusing on how people believe, not what they believe, we can minimize dogmatism’s harmful effects in our personal lives as well as our educational, political, religious, and other social institutions.”
Steven Goldberg,
Professor Emeritus,
City University of New York
“Dr. Johnson ably confronts one of the most pressing dangers of our time, dogmatic thinking in all its forms. This important and timely examination of its roots, the processes involved, and possible societal remedies will be of interest to all who value reason, and should be required reading for anyone dealing with the many enemies of reason on society’s behalf.”
Professor James Alcock, PhD
York University, Toronto, ON.
Purchase this book at: Amazon.ca or Amazon.com
Judy Johnson is currently developing a theory of authoritarianism. Her latest book will present the fifteen features that profile an authoritarian and present causal influences that shape this dangerous personality trait. The book ends with some preventive measures that could prevent or reduce autocrats’ impact–locally, nationally, and globally. Stay tuned for the final release date.
Talks and Articles on Authoritarianism and Dogmatism
August 7, 2024. “Authoritarians: A Psychological Profile.” Zoom talk to McGill Lifelong Learners, Montreal, Que.
April 22,2024. “Authoritarianism: What Is It and Should We Be Concerned?” Talk to Canmore Seniors, Canmore, Alberta.
February 22, 2023. “Can It Happen Here? The Spectre of Authoritarianism,” talk to CALL members of the interest group: Human Conflict and Its Impact.
April 24, 2023. “The Spectre of Authoritarianism,” for CALL interest group: Preparing to Vote.February 22, 2023. “Can It Happen Here? The Spectre of Authoritarianism,” talk to CALL members of the interest group: Human Conflict and Its Impact.
March 24, 2022. “Authoritarianism: Can It Happen Here?” Talk to Current Issues group, Calgary Association for Lifelong Learners (CALL).
October 3, 2022. “Whither Democracy.” Panel presenter to CALL Cafe, Calgary Alberta.
CBC Radio Interview for Saskatchewan’s “Morning Edition,” Sept. 6, 2021
Judy Johnson is currently developing a theory of authoritarianism. Her latest book will present the fifteen features that profile an authoritarian and present causal influences that shape this dangerous personality trait. The book ends with some preventive measures that could prevent or reduce autocrats’ impact–locally, nationally, and globally.
We’ll keep you posted!
Johnson, J. J. (2022) Alberta Views, March, 2022, briefly reviewed my novel, Thief of Reason.
Johnson, J. J. (2020) “Johnson, J. J. (2020). “The Perils of Dogmatic Certainty in Uncertain Times,” The Star, Dec. 26, Op-Ed, from https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2020/12/26/the-perils-of-dogmatic-certainty-in-uncertain-times.html
Johnson, J. J. (2010). “Beyond a shadow of doubt: The psychological nature of dogmatism.” The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 149-161. The journal’s editors selected this article for the International Award for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences.
Johnson, J. J.(2010). “Much to gain from tempering dogmatism’s bark: There’s a lot wrong with being absolutely right, especially in politics.” The Edmonton Journal, Sept. 22, Op-Ed, from http://www.edmontonjournal.com/news/ (Title is the editor’s). Toronto media
Conference Presenter at ReasonFest, University of Kansas, K.A.:: Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason. February 11, 2012.
Johnson, J. J. (2010). “Beyond a shadow of doubt: If we are to weed out the imposters of reason and confront dogmatism in public discourse, we need to understand it.” The Ottawa Citizen, Sept. 27, from Citizen Special, from http://www.ottawacitizen.com http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/.
Johnson, J. J. (2010). “Beyond a shadow of doubt: Political certainty in uncertain times. Posted on Truthout. http://www.truth-out.org/beyond-a-shadow-doubt-political-certainty-uncertain-times64925
Johnson, J. J. (2010) “Beyond a shadow of doubt: Political certainty in uncertain times. The Monitor. Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives. Dec.-Jan., pp. 38-39.
Johnson, J. J. (2011). “Jackboot religion and jackboot politics: Canadian researcher Dr. Judy J. Johnson takes us into the curious world of dogmatism and authoritarianism.” The Catholica, Mar. 02, from www.catholica.com.au/marketplace/promo/Johnson.php.
Johnson, J. J. (2011). “Dogmatism: Political certainty in uncertain times.” Troy Media, April 7, from www.troymedia.com.
Johnson, J. J. (2011) “Dogmatism: Political certainty in uncertain times.” Consortium News, from www.consortiumnews.com.
On Sam Harris’ podcast, “Ask Me Anything,” he gave an interesting answer to my question about dogmatism (Sept. 20, 2021).
Presentations on Dogmatism
Public Presentation: Is It Too Late To Teach An Old Dogmatist New Tricks?
Exploring Elderhood, Calgary, AB, December 8, 2020.
Conference presenter: What’s So Wrong with Being Absolutely Right: The dangerous nature of dogmatic belief. Apeiron Society, Calgary, AB, May, 2015.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason. ReasonFest, University of Kansas, K.A.,February 11, 2012.
Conference presenter: Beyond a Shadow of Doubt: The Psychological and Sociological Manifestations of Dogmatism. International Social Sciences Conference, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK. August, 2011.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason, Center for Inquiry, Annual Leadership Conference, Buffalo, New York, June, 2011.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason, Canadian Psychological Association, 72nd Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, June, 2011.
Public presentation, Value Differences Between Conservatives and Liberals. Town Hall sponsored by David Swann, MD and MLA for Calgary Mountain View constituency, Calgary,June, 2011.
Conference presenter, Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason, Center for Inquiry, Calgary Branch, University of Calgary, February, 2010.
Conference presenter: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: Dogmatism in Higher Education. International Conference on Teaching Psychology. Kwantlen University, Vancouver, B.C., July, 2010.
Conference presenter: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: Dogmatism in Higher Education. Annual conference of Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculties Association, Banff, AB,May, 2010.
Conference presenter: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: Dogmatism in the Helping Professions. Mount Royal University, Calgary, May, 2009.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism, Intolerance, and Racism. Kwantlen University, Surrey, BC, March, 2009.
Public presentation, What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: The Dangerous Nature of Dogmatic Belief. Medicine Hat College faculty and the general public. Medicine Hat, AB, May 2009.
Public Presentation: Dogmatism: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right. Knights of the Round Table, Calgary, AB, April, 2009.
Public Presentation, Dogmatism in Politics: How Loud Is Its Bark? Council of Canadians, Calgary, September, 2009.
Guest on the CBC’s Wild Rose Forum, Calgary, AB, April 7, 2009.
Guest on radio QR77 Rutherford Show, Calgary, AB, April 10, 2009.
New York City, PBS interview by WBAI, Equal Time for Free Thought. Host, Barry Sneidman, March 29th, 2009, and April 5, 2009.
Public Presentation: Fear, Dogmatism, and Global Conflict, for Ploughshares. Calgary, October, 2004.
Public Presentation: Fear, Dogmatism, and Global Conflict. For Council of Canadians, Calgary, September, 2004.
Academic presentation: Fear, Dogmatism, and Global Conflict, Mount Royal University faculty and students. March, 2003.
Conference presenter: Psychological Correlates of Dogmatism. Professional Development Retreat, Mount Royal Faculty, Kananaskis, AB, May, 1997.
Conference presenter: Probing the Psychological Depths of Dogmatism. Annual conference of Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculty Associations, Lake Louise, AB. November, 1994.
Conference presenter: Beyond a Shadow of Doubt: The Psychological and Sociological Manifestations of Dogmatism. International Social Sciences Conference, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK. August, 2011.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason, Center for Inquiry, Annual Leadership Conference, Buffalo, New York, June, 2011.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason, Canadian Psychological Association, 72nd Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, June, 2011.
Public presentation: Value Differences Between Conservatives and Liberals. Town Hall sponsored by David Swann, MD and MLA for Calgary Mountain View constituency, Calgary, June, 2011.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason, Center for Inquiry, Calgary Branch, University of Calgary, February, 2010.
Conference presenter: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: Dogmatism in Higher Education. International Conference on Teaching Psychology. Kwantlen University, Vancouver, B.C., July, 2010.
Conference presenter: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: Dogmatism in Higher Education. Annual conference of Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculties Association, Banff, AB,May, 2010.
Conference presenter: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: Dogmatism in the Helping Professions. Mount Royal University, Calgary, May, 2009.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism, Intolerance, and Racism. Kwantlen University, Surrey, BC, March, 2009.
Public presentation: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: The Dangerous Nature of Dogmatic Belief. Medicine Hat College faculty and the general public. Medicine Hat, AB, May 2009.
Public Presentation: Dogmatism: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right. Knights of the Round Table, Calgary, AB, April, 2009.
Public Presentation, Dogmatism in Politics: How Loud Is Its Bark? Council of Canadians, Calgary, September, 2009.
Guest on the CBC’s Wild Rose Forum, Calgary, AB, April 7, 2009.
Guest on radio QR77 Rutherford Show, Calgary, AB, April 10, 2009.
New York City, PBS interview by WBAI, Equal Time for Free Thought. Host, Barry Sneidman, March 29th and April 5, 2009.
Public Presentation: Fear, Dogmatism, and Global Conflict, for Ploughshares. Calgary, October, 2004.
Public Presentation: Fear, Dogmatism, and Global Conflict. For Council of Canadians, Calgary, September, 2004.
Academic presentation: Fear, Dogmatism, and Global Conflict, Mount Royal University faculty and students. March, 2003.
Conference presenter: Psychological Correlates of Dogmatism. Professional Development Retreat, Mount Royal Faculty, Kananaskis, AB, May, 1997.
Conference presenter: Probing the Psychological Depths of Dogmatism. Annual conference of Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculty Associations, Lake Louise, AB. November, 1994.
Conference presenter: Beyond a Shadow of Doubt: The Psychological and Sociological Manifestations of Dogmatism. International Social Sciences Conference, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK. August, 2011.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason, Center for Inquiry, Annual Leadership Conference, Buffalo, New York, June, 2011.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason, Canadian Psychological Association, 72nd Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, June, 2011.
Public presentation: Value Differences Between Conservatives and Liberals. Town Hall sponsored by David Swann, MD and MLA for Calgary Mountain View constituency, Calgary, June, 2011.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism: A Scar on the Face of Reason, Center for Inquiry, Calgary Branch, University of Calgary, February, 2010.
Conference presenter: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: Dogmatism in Higher Education. International Conference on Teaching Psychology. Kwantlen University, Vancouver, B.C., July, 2010.
Conference presenter, What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: Dogmatism in Higher Education. Annual conference of Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculties Association, Banff, AB,May, 2010.
Conference presenter, What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: Dogmatism in the Helping Professions. Mount Royal University, Calgary, May, 2009.
Conference presenter: Dogmatism, Intolerance, and Racism. Kwantlen University, Surrey, BC, March, 2009.
Public presentation: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right: The Dangerous Nature of Dogmatic Belief. Medicine Hat College faculty and the general public. Medicine Hat, AB, May 2009.
Public Presentation: Dogmatism: What’s So Wrong With Being Absolutely Right. Knights of the Round Table, Calgary, AB, April, 2009.
Public Presentation: April 7 2000 nine Dogmatism in Politics: How Loud Is Its Bark? Council of Canadians, Calgary, September, 2009.
New York City, PBS interview by WBAI, Equal Time for Free Thought. Host, Barry Sneidman, March 29th and April 5, 2009.
Public Presentation, Fear, Dogmatism, and Global Conflict, for Ploughshares. Calgary, October, 2004.
Public Presentation, Fear, Dogmatism, and Global Conflict. For Council of Canadians, Calgary, September, 2004.
Academic presentation, Fear, Dogmatism, and Global Conflict, Mount Royal University faculty and students. March, 2003.
Conference presenter, Psychological Correlates of Dogmatism. Professional Development Retreat, Mount Royal Faculty, Kananaskis, AB, May, 1997.
Conference presenter, Probing the Psychological Depths of Dogmatism. Annual conference of Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculty Associations, Lake Louise, AB. November, 1994.